Amidst the COBWEBS of THOUGHTS!!

State of heart and mind when there is so much conflict going on.When one side is good,positive;another is bad,and negative.You want to push your thoughts in the positive direction but negative side is creating more sympathetic image of yours in front of you.You are not able to approach towards the things positively,your thoughts are inclined in a particular direction and are utterly irrational.And alas you are not able to do anything.

Above is an example of how actually our minds works,when we are stressed,tensed or frustrated.
Have you ever noticed the vulnerability of mind?As it is said
A single statement,a single event,a single person can affect so much that it will either force man above the height of mountains or below to the depth of sea level.
Observing the mind of people who have some psychological disorders,you will find they are kind of engrossed in something.Something,which they find very bewitching.They are bounded,a prisoner of their own mind.Their thoughts keep doing merry-go-round in specific zone,whose walls are too high to measure.They are not able to move away or push away those thoughts from their mind.They loose control over the thoughts,when they are reflecting over those thoughts very deeply.Its like giving 'nourishment'.When you are deeply meditating on it,you are giving it food and water,to grow.
Thoughts are like plants,when they stay for longer time they grow into trees and develop branches.Same thing happens with those people who are 'psychologically affected'.They are not able climb over those high walls,which are not allowing them to see the rest of the world,which is so beautiful.
They spend their whole life fighting with those DEMONS who will one day eat them up if not kept in chains of restrictions and control.
so BEWARE of what you are thinking,about whom you are thinking,how you are thinking and why you are thinking?
If you don't find any proper answer then leave those situations and circumstances and GO AWAY.
MOVING AWAY from UNNECESSARY thoughts is an act of kindness you are doing towards your own self.
And if you are moving away to protect yourself and your family then its not a wrong thing.


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