Dark Clouds

Dark Clouds

Those few days in Udhampur were the darkest of her life. Whole area was full of chaos, everywhere there was curfew zone, every activity of the people was restricted, too much checking by the security personnel and long and untimely investigations going on.
That night attack was very severe and the battalion was  prepared for this they reacted strongly, the fight continued whole night, all the news channel were reporting all night, she was also there, taking in everything possible. The fight stopped early in wee hours, damage was already done to both sides. In the evening situation eased a little. Dusk was falling and she has not heard anything from him since two days.
She wanted to know how he was, so she went out to find out the new developments. A lot of discussion was going on about the last night attack, nearly twenty soldiers were killed and most important was this that whether the Major who was leading the battalion, his body was not found out in the attack area, it was not confirm whether he was alive or not, or fell into some deep trench, nothing was still known.
“Oh god, No” She ran all the way to headquarters to get the news to find out whether it was true? What will happen of her now, what she is going to do now, how she will live, what she should do now? Lot of questions were gurgling in her mind, but no answers.
A huge search operation was done on a broad basis to find about him or his body or was he taken the prisoner by the enemies?
On third day of search operation he was found unconscious and in very delirious state buried inside the snow. He was living but not alive.
Taken to the hospital and nearly after a long, intensive care and treatment, he was able to walk and speak, and it took another four months to come to his original self. Meanwhile she was sent away from him by the officials because she creating a lot of this and that there, questioning a lot as were her journalistic skills in action. She requested a lot, shouted at them but they didn’t listened her at all, at last she has to go.
She went back but was timely informed about his progress. She thanked them. for her, her whole life was kind of transformed.


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