India-no country for farmers-solutions

INDIA-No country for the farmers


To prevent the more suicides in the country from the farmers, government needs to take some really solid steps in this direction. Most importantly they need is the “financial and social security”.
Government needs to ensure that those steps are able to solve their issues which are forcing them to commit suicide. Ending the life could not be the solution of the problem of increasing debt and fulfilling the basic needs of life.
The Farmer needs to be provided with appropriate markets to sell their products, their grains on reasonable rates in which they should get some amount of profit. This is the most important thing required to be done.
The goods of the farmers should be sold on time. There should such kind of arrangements in the system where they would not have to wait for a specific month and time to sell their grains. And money should also be given at the same time enabling them to pay back to the bank, to the moneylenders and for their personal needs too.
Government should set up such kind of shops where farmers could get quality seeds, fertilizers and other required tools.
The scheme of giving subsidy of 4% to the farmers is only useful for those who are going to deposit the loan on time. It does not solve the problems of those who are unable to pay their respective loans on time.
Teams should be sent from government side to do the case studies of those areas where suicides are taking place and according to the problems of specific region specific arrangements should be made separately in order to bring everyone on the same road of development.
Our base of economy is still the agriculture so it needs to be strengthened up in order to grow more and to grow effectively.
Other scientific innovations are needed to be implemented in the areas of concerns to increase their production rates and those areas which are already increasing their initial productions they should be taken at the secondary level.

This is not the end it is the beginning of everything.


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