the new Beginning

The New beginning

SHE waited everyday for him, for his arrival.
The night was very dark and it was pouring heavily, the atmosphere was very cool. She was sitting in the porch after coming from the office a cup of coffee made by Ma, of her more than of him. They talked for sometime then she went inside to do something.
The sky was turning dark, changing its hue from orange-yellowish shade to black slowly. The gray clouds coming together as if making love to each other slowly suddenly the sky roared with thunder and Ma shouted to come inside.

At night she dreamt of him, inhaled his cologne, his eyes saying something to her suggesting her. Suddenly when the thunder struck her eyes flew open and what she was incredible for her, he was their standing in front of her all the waiting of nearly six months was over.
When she went out to make a coffee for him, she saw the whole family standing outside her room, she hugged Ma, she embraced Pa and each of the members.
He loved his coffee a little strong than usual. And its aroma was beyond expression.
As he put down his mug, her hands embraced him from behind, she kissed him on his back, he turned and took her in his arms, engulfing her completely.
Nothing was said.
She sat in his lap, straddling him as if to never let go of him ever, he kissed her first softly then hard, his mouth demanding hers, sucking desperately everything she has until they both became breathless.
“Easy Major”
“Sure Ma’m” and they both laughed together.
Putting her hands in his hair she pulled at it hard and said “don’t you ever dare to leave me alone again.”
Lifting her in his arms he took her to bed.

That night she didn’t dreamt anything bad, she was calm and peaceful and there was no sound of the roaring thunder only his heartbeat…


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